City Hall

Mailing Address:
PO Box 287
Leavenworth, WA 98826

Physical Address:
700 US Hwy 2
Leavenworth, WA 98826

Google Maps Directions

Phone: (509) 548-5275
Fax: (509) 548-6429

Don’t know who to contact? Or want to email us?

Send us a message here!

See what’s happening on Social Media:

Office of the Mayor

Carl Florea
(509) 548-5275 Ext. 125

City Administration

Matthew “Selby”
City Administrator
(509) 548-5275 Ext 133
Kara Raftery (Zupke)
Communications and Special Projects Manager
(509) 548-5275 ext. 136
Sue Cragun
Executive Assistant
(509) 668-9077
Andrea Fischer
City Clerk
(509) 548-5275 Ext. 122

Media Inquiries: [email protected]


Parking Inquiries: (509) 888-0812 or [email protected]

Community Development

Maggie Boles, AICP
Community Development Director
(509) 548-5275 Ext 132
Celeste Barry
Senior Planner
(509) 548-5275 Ext 131
Amy McCoy
Assistant Planner / Code Compliance Officer
(509) 548-5275 Ext 138
Aiden Coker
Permit Technician
(509) 548-5275 Ext 130
Luis Gonzalez
Building Official
(509) 548-5275 Ext 137
Kristian Winston
Building Code / Inspector 2
(509) 548-5275 Ext 137


Chantell Steiner
Finance Director
(509) 548-5275 Ext. 123
Shirley McLaughlin
Deputy Clerk
(509) 548-5275 Ext 120
Krystal Whitehall
Accounts Payable / PRSA Clerk
(509) 548-5275 Ext 129
Beverly Ward
Utility Billing Clerk
(509) 548-5275 Ext 135

Public Works

Public Works Director
Amber Chittim
Public Works Administrative Assistant
(509) 548-5275 ext. 127
Andi Zontek-Backstrum, PE
Public Works Director
(509) 548-5275
Rick Emmons
Public Works Field Supervisor
(509) 548-5275
Chris Klancke
Water Plant Supervisor
(509) 548-5275
Rob McCurdy
Public Works Assistant Field Supervisor
(509) 548-5275
Antonio Muro
Wastewater Plant Supervisor
(509) 548-5275
John Schons
Parks Supervisor
(509) 548-5275
Ara Arakelian
Facility Maintenance Supervisor
(509) 548-5275


Please reach out to RiverCom (non-emergency line) (509) 663-9911.

In case of emergency, after hours or otherwise, please call 911. 

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