Utility Maintenance Division
The goal of our Utility Maintenance Division is to ensure our streets, sidewalks, and all City right-of-way (R.O.W.) is safe for all residents and visitors alike.
If you come across any issue related to City streets, sidewalks, etc., please contact us immediately at (509) 548-7418.
The Utility Maintenance Division performs city-wide services such as:
- Street sweeping
- Traffic control
- Snow and ice control
- Road / street / alley maintenance
- Street lighting
- Sidewalk
- Storm drainage
- Cemetery Maintenance
- Maintenance and repair of all equipment
The Division also meets the many needs of festivals and events.
The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) is a planning document used by the State of Washington; projects that have qualified for state funding, or will be considered for state funding need to be identified in the TIP document. The City does have the ability to amend the TIP at a later date should another project be identified that the City might consider in a grant program.
State of Washington Transportation Improvement Board (TIB)
The Washington State TIB funds high-priority transportation projects in communities throughout the state to enhance the movement of people, goods, and services. TIB is an independent state agency, created by the Legislature, that distributes and manages street construction and maintenance grants to 320 cities and urban counties throughout Washington State. Funding for TIB’s grant programs comes from revenue generated by three cents of the statewide gas tax.
City Street & Sidewalk Map Links
- City Streets (online interactive)
For more maps, check out our Document Portal, and filter for the “Maps & GIS” document type.