Building Division

The building division provides the community with a source of knowledge and expertise in the review of building plans and the inspection of building projects to safeguard health, safety, property and public welfare. The Department continually strives to improve professionalism and knowledge, to better serve the community.

Most construction projects will require a permit; unless specifically exempted by Section 105 of the International Residential Code or International Building Code.  Please contact City Staff prior to beginning your project to determine if a permit is needed.  Zoning regulations, such as use, setbacks and lot coverage will apply, regardless of permit exemption.

City of Leavenworth building regulations/codes are specific to projects located within city limits.  For projects located outside city limits or within the Urban Growth Area (UGA), please contact Chelan County.

Submitting a Permit

Building permits shall be submitted electronically, through the City’s online permit portal.  All building permits require an assigned address prior to submittal of the permit.  Contact the City if you need a new address assigned to your property.

A complete building permit application submittal will typically include (at minimum) the following:

  • City building permit application (available on the Applications, Forms and Planning Documents Page) or the Document Portal
  • Site Plan
  • Two sets of engineered building plans
  • Engineering calculations
  • WA State Energy Code Compliance Forms
  • Any necessary reports/studies (e.g. stormwater plan, geo assessment, wetland delineation, etc.)

If you have any questions about the requirements, please contact the Community Development Department.

Adopted Building Codes & Regulations

The State Building Code Council voted in September 2023, to delay the effective date of the 2021 codes. The new effective date for all building codes is March 15, 2024. See the SBCC webpage for details.

 The City of Leavenworth adopts codes, as amended by the Washington State Building Code Council, for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties.  The current adopted codes are listed in LMC 15.04.

All projects within the city limits are subject to the following Climate and Geographic Design Criteria:

If you are looking for a specific document, application or form, try  searching here:

Document Portal

Community Development Staff

Maggie Boles, AICP
Community Development Director
(509) 548-5275 Ext 132
Celeste Barry
Senior Planner
(509) 548-5275 Ext 131
Amy McCoy
Assistant Planner / Code Compliance Officer
(509) 548-5275 Ext 138
Aiden Coker
Permit Technician
(509) 548-5275 Ext 130
Luis Gonzalez
Building Official
(509) 548-5275 Ext 137
Kristian Winston
Building Code / Inspector 2
(509) 548-5275 Ext 137
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