The Downtown Steering Committee was initially formed in 2004 to assist the City in developing the Leavenworth Downtown Master Plan. The Committee, with the help of the community, worked for four years in developing the Downtown Master Plan. The Master Plan is a conceptual plan that identified a number of capital improvements within the Downtown Commercial core and additional streetscape enhancements. These improvements and enhancements included repair and reconstruction of roadways and sidewalks, the addition of streetlights, benches, trash receptacles, etc. The Plan was adopted by the Council in October of 2009 and was awarded the Best Physical Plan by the Washington American Planning Association (APA) in 2009. Since that time, the Committee has implemented a number of improvements within the Master Plan; these include:
- Reconstruction of 9th Street.
- Reconstruction of Front Street Hwy 2 to Division.
- Reconstruction of Commercial Street (8th to 3rd).
- Replacement and addition of trash receptacles.
- Addition of Pedestrian Lighting.
- Development and Implementation of Hwy 2 Wayfinding.
- Street banner replacement and addition.
- Implemented Street Bench donation program.
In addition to the projects listed above, the Committee also championed the purchase of the warehouse property to address parking issues, reviewed suggestions from various community members on enhancements to the downtown, and acts as a conduit for communications to the business community.
The Committee members include three current City Council Members, two members recommended by the Leavenworth Chamber of Commerce Board, two at-large community members, and a Mayor’s designee appointed staff member. All Committee members are appointed by the Mayor for three year terms except for the Mayor’s designee which is a one year term.
City of Leavenworth Code of Ethics for Elected and Appointed Officials
On August 8, 2023 the City Council of the City of Leavenworth adopted a Code of Ethics for all elected and appointed officials.
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