A Holistic Approach to Infrastructure Replacement

The Integrated Capital Improvement Program (ICIP) is a Public Works program that is currently in its infancy. The program was developed from a need to replace a substantial amount of infrastructure throughout the City. As community members know, our City streets are in need of improvement. However, most community members are not aware that the limiting factor in repaving our streets is actually the underground utilities beneath the roadway.

Program Goals:

  • Efficiently replace all necessary infrastructure features within the City by fully reconstructing one block of City street at a time
  •  Equitably prioritize projects by using a data-driven process of scoring features on a block-by-block basis 

Program Process:

As the basis for this program, each block of City street will be inventoried. A score between 0 and 100, where 0 requires immediate improvement and 100 requires no improvement, will be assigned to each of the five (5) ICIP features within the block: water, sanitary sewer, stormwater, roadway surfacing, and sidewalk. The scores for each feature will be added to give a total score for each block.

Program Status:

Public Works staff is still working through the process of scoring all features within the City. This is anticipated to be completed by July 1, 2023. After the scoring process is complete, the results of the feature scoring will be used to prioritize improvement projects.

Infrastructure Features:


The water distribution system includes over 28 miles of watermain. The distribution system is primarily composed of ductile iron, cast iron, and steel pipes.

Scoring Criteria

Water pipes are currently scored off a matrix of pipe size and pipe material. This scoring matrix is anticipated to be re-evaluated as part of the current Water System Plan.

Sanitary Sewer

The sanitary sewer collection system encompasses approximately 15 miles of gravity sewer main and 5 lift stations.

Scoring Criteria

Sanitary sewer pipes are currently scored off a matrix of pipe size and pipe material. This scoring matrix is anticipated to be re-evaluated as part of the City’s upcoming Wastewater Facility and General Sewer Plan.


The City’s collection system includes over 13 miles of stormwater main.

Scoring Criteria

Stormwater pipes are currently scored off a matrix of pipe size and pipe material. This scoring matrix is anticipated to be re-evaluated as part of the upcoming Stormwater Plan Update.


The City maintains over 14 miles of roadway.

Scoring Criteria

The state Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) inventories City streets approximately every 4 years. They assess the existing condition of the roadway surfacing and assign each street a numerical pavement condition rating (PCR) value between 0 and 100. TIB completed the most recent inventory in spring 2023. The 2023 PCR Map shows the categorical rating from the inventory.


The City’s sidewalk map shows where existing sidewalks are located. The map differentiates between Safe Routes to School sidewalks, that the City maintains, and non-designated sidewalks, that residents maintain.

 Scoring Criteria

As a starting point, sidewalks will be scored based on their presence. This process will be refined and all sidewalk features will be re-scored following a thorough review of the existing sidewalk condition and American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance.

Reference Documents:

The following documents were shared with the community at the Community Engagement Night on May 2, 2023:

An introductory presentation was given to the City Council at the March 14, 2023 study session. This covered both the Pavement Preservation Program and ICIP. The following slides were used for that presentation:

Additional Information:

More information can be obtained by signing up for the ICIP email list. Once it is available, additional information on the program will be emailed to those registered for the list.

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