Affordable Housing
What does low-income or affordable mean?
The term “affordable housing” is used often, but it is not always clearly defined. In general, the term simply references the cost of housing (including utilities) in relationship to income.
We define “affordable housing” as housing that costs less than 30% of the household’s monthly income.
A “low-income renter household” refers to households with incomes less than 50% of the County median income (adjusted for family size).
A “low-income owner household” refers to households with incomes less than 80% of the County median income (adjusted for family size).
How are we assisting home owners that qualify as low-income households?
Under State guidelines, the City of Leavenworth has adopted several options to aid low-income households or developments serving low-income households.
- Affordable Housing Grant/Loan (LMC 3.42)
- Affordable Workforce Housing Grant/Loan (LMC 3.43)*
- Affordable Housing Funds (LMC 3.44)
- Housing Fire Retrofit Grant Program (LMC 3.45)
- Rate & Fee Schedule – Water & Sewer rate reduction for low-income senior or disabled citizens (refer to pages 13-20)
- Affordable Low-Income Housing Incentive Program (LMC 18.42)*
If you have questions, contact our Development Services Department at (509) 548-5275.