Our residents know that Leavenworth is a uniquely beautiful and scenic Bavarian village set in the foothills of the Cascade mountains. In recent years, we’ve grown in both residents and in tourism. In response to that, we’re developing a robust housing program to ensure we can grow sustainably. From our Housing Action Plan (HAP) to changing code to make our homes more fire resilient, our goal is to ensure that we have a long-term plan for meeting the housing needs of our community.
The Planning Commission, who as a body make recommendations to City Council for our long-range planning and legislative policy is currently reviewing zone changes, and finalizing the planned action items for 2022.
To join in the conversation, we invite you to attend a Planning Commission Meeting and learn about the topics below.
The City’s pre-approved plans are available for you! They are a low-cost option and have expedited permit timelines…
If you are building in the city limits, a good place to start gathering info is here, where we introduce you to the permit process…
Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Fire Development and Retrofit Program
We’ve adopted building code to help prevent ember intrusion, and have created a program for helping low-income residents fund retrofitting older homes…
Are you building a home, or do you want to develop land? We want to help make the process clear and easy to understand…
The term “affordable housing” is used many ways, but it doesn’t always mean the same thing. For our community, here’s how we define it…
In 2017, we received a Housing Action Plan grant. In 2021, the HAP was approved by City Council in April of 2021. Click here to learn more about what we’re doing…
Sometimes you can’t find what you are looking for, or simply want to talk to a human. We get it. Send us a message here, and we’ll be in contact ASAP.