Design Review Board

The Design Review Board is a volunteer board, appointed by the mayor, which maintains and furthers Leavenworth’s aesthetic and economic well-being through the Old World Bavarian Alpine Theme.  Board members volunteer their time and unique expertise in order to further our unique tourist community.

Submitting a Permit:

Design Review and Sign Permits are submitted electronically, through the City’s online permit portal. Please note that applications for Design Review Board approval must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the meeting date.  Applications can be found on the Document Portal.

Quick Links:

The Design Review Board Overview document outlines the Design Review Board’s role, membership, actions, and processes; providing information on who can be a member, what the board does, and how meetings are conducted.

Presentation – Sign Code
This 2023 presentation provides a background for sign regulations and how they are applied today; specifically, in the downtown core. All businesses and interested individuals are encouraged to watch the presentation prior to changing existing signs or installing or placing new signs.

The following documents outline the approved styles and colors:

For more detailed info, please refer to the following municipal code chapters:

City of Leavenworth Code of Ethics for Elected and Appointed Officials

On August 8, 2023 the City Council of the City of Leavenworth adopted a Code of Ethics for all elected and appointed officials.

If you are looking for a specific document, application, or form, try searching here:

Document Portal

Design Review Board Meetings

City Hall Council Chambers and online via Zoom

Second and fourth Wednesdays of the month

3:00 PM

Meeting Calendar

Design Review Board Members

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