Effective September 7, 2024, the Leavenworth Recycle Center is no longer able to accept glass.
Refuse Division – Recycling & Yard Waste
Our refuse division supports both our solid waste (garbage) and recycling. We partner with local non-profits and companies to offer our residents and businesses the best way to dispose of solid waste and recyclables.
Residential Services
The City of Leavenworth has partnered with Waste Management of Washington, Inc. to provide curbside collection of garbage and recycling for residents residing in single-family homes and/or duplexes. Waste Management will be responsible for the collection and billing of those solid waste customers beginning February 4, 2019.
Commercial Services
Our Refuse Division collects discarded commercial solid waste materials and transports them to local landfills or transfer stations. Commercial customers consist of businesses and multifamily residences.
We also provide a drop off location for recyclables and yard waste at the Recycling Center. This is open to all residents and commercial businesses who live or operate within the city limits.
Recycling Center Location:
216 14th Street, Leavenworth, WA 98826
Located between the Parks Shop Building and the Public Works Building, across the street from the Community Cupboard.
Recycling Center Hours:
3:30 PM – 5:30 PM
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
The Recycling Center is open year round. Please note that hours may change seasonally, or due to other factors outside our control. Winter hours are currently in effect.
The Recycling Center is operated in partnership with Waste Loop. Please visit wasteloop.org/leavenworth-recycling-center for more info.
To Start or Change Recycling Service, Contact:
Residential Customers
Waste Management
(877) 466-4668
Commercial Customers
City Hall
(509) 548-5275
For information on the residential and commercial community composting services:
Visit Winton Mfg.
Community Compost Drop-Off Locations:
City Hall (700 US Hwy 2)Recycling Center (216 14th Street)
For information on recycling and yard waste disposal outside City limits:
Contact Chelan County Solid Waste Management
Single Stream Recycling
The single stream recycling program is operated through Waste Management. All recyclables must be clean, empty, and dry. Acceptable materials include paper, plastic bottles, and metal cans. For a complete and updated list of guidelines, view the Waste Management Collection Guide.
Waste Management no longer accepts glass in the single stream recycling.
Residential Corrugated Cardboard
Corrugated cardboard is accepted at the Recycling Center. All cardboard must be flattened. Cardboard is recycled locally through Michelson’s Packaging.
Commercial Cardboard Recycling
The City has a cardboard recycling system for commercial accounts only at this time. The Refuse Division collects commercial cardboard on its commercial refuse collection route.
Yard Waste (collection is closed for the winter season)
Residents residing within the city limits may also dispose of clean yard waste at the recycling center. Proof of residence will be required: a current City Utility bill and either a State ID or Driver’s License. No commercial or non-resident use of the yard waste recycling will be allowed.
Items Allowed. They MUST be in recyclable paper lawn & garden bags.
- leaves
- pine needles
- other yard debris
- tree and branch limbs
- cut into 4 foot or shorter lengths
- tied into bundles with natural fiber twine
A List of Items that CANNOT be put into yard waste:
- furniture
- appliances
- dirt
- rocks
- sod (grass with dirt attached)
- large limbs
New Restriction Regarding Yard Waste Disposal
Leavenworth falls within the Apple Maggot Quarantine area
The City of Leavenworth falls within the Washington State Department of Agriculture Apple Maggot Quarantine area. This quarantine includes transferring of any homegrown or foraged fruit, brush, and yard waste out of the quarantine area. Currently, the City is allowed to transfer solid waste to the Dryden Transfer Station; if residents and businesses fail to comply with keeping yard waste and brush out of the solid waste stream, the City will be forced to find another transfer site. If our garbage haulers identify yard waste or brush in your garbage dumpster, the City will not pick up your trash until those items are removed. Residents may dispose of their yard waste and brush at the City Recycling Center. A map of the quarantine area is available on our website.
Winton Manufacturing
Yard waste from the Apple Maggot Quarantine Area can be dropped off at Winton Manufacturing. More information is available on Winton’s website.