The City of Leavenworth’s Public Works Department snow and ice maintenance policy goal is to efficiently and cost effectively provide a safe and accessible transportation system during inclement weather and winter storm events.

Snow & Ice Maintenance Priority Guidelines

Activity Phases

Phase I

Initial opening of all Priority 1 and 2 routes. Severity of the storm may delay response time for Priority 2 routes.

Phase II

Plowing and placement of traction materials (e.g., salt, sand) on streets with steep inclines, curves, and/or intersections. Repeat Priority 1 and 2 routes initially opened until opened as snow continues to accumulate.

Phase III

Plowing and application of traction materials will occur on Priority 3 routes. Intermittent placement of traction materials as necessary by priority.

Phase IV

The storm event is over. Continuation of street widening operations to improve safe travel and prepare for additional accumulation during subsequent storms. Proceed with Priority 4 activities. 

Priority 1 snow removal tasks are assigned during a major snow event to ensure major transportation routes are passable to allow emergency vehicle access within 2 blocks of residences and businesses.

Routes included:

  • Ski Hill Drive
  • Pine St.
  • Whitman St.
  • Mine St.
  • Evans St.
  • Birch St.
  • Commercial St.
  • 14th St.
  • 9th St.

Sanding and De-icing Applications

Applications to be made at the discretion and direction of the PW Director or designee.

  • Intersections
  • Inclines
  • City Streets
  • Residential / Downtown (non-preferential) (see attached snow removal map)

Safe Route to School Sidewalks to include:

  • Chumstick Hwy. (SR-2 to Cascade High School)
  • Burke Ave. (Pine St. to Birch St.)
  • Birch St. (Central Ave to Price Ave)
  • Evans St. (SR-2 to Ski Hill Dr)
  • Ski Hill Drive (SR-2 to Evans St)
  • West St. (Ski Hill to Mine St.)
  • Pine St. (Ski Hill to Titus Rd)
  • Titus Rd (Pine St to Farivar Ln)

SR-2 Walks & Crosswalks to include:

  • South Side – Icicle Rd. to Bus Stop east of bridge
  • North Side – Icicle Rd. to Safeway

Others to include:

  • City Hall Walks
  • Front Street Park Walks & Stairs
  • Gazebo Stairs
  • Festhalle Walks
  • Train Station (parking lot and walks)
  • Alleyways
  • City Hall
  • P-1 / Aasgard
  • P-2 /Blewett
  • P-3 /Colchuck
  • P-4 / Dragontail
  • P-5 / Freund
  • P-6 / Glacier
  • Triangle
  • SR-2 Snow Wrinkle (accumulation of plowed snow along curb lines and road edges)

Removal of wrinkle @ height of 2+ feet or as determined by Public Works Director or designee.

Removal to be done between 12:00 AM and 5:00 AM

  • Wrinkle and General Clean-up of Residential & Business Streets, including intersection snow berms/piles (Done on a “worst case” non- preferential basis)
  • Fire Hydrant Snow Clearing & Exposure coordinated with Chelan County Fire District #3

General Considerations, Conditions, & Standards

  • The snow and ice maintenance performance standard is to complete the initial snow removal operations and have snow displaced to a level for “safe” vehicle passage within 24 hours after the end of the snow event. The City snow and ice maintenance standard is not to remove all ice and snow from the surface of the pavement or a “black asphalt” policy.
  • The City will strive to maintain a traveled way to accommodate emergency vehicle access during Phases I – III. Maintained traveled ways will vary depending on street pavement width and available street shoulder snow storage.
  • Snow routes are based on a City established priority system.
  • Emergencies and safety are the immediate priorities, in particular, ensuring emergency vehicle access along the City’s streets.
  • Street snow and ice maintenance operations to begin at an accumulation of 3 inches or more as determined by the Public Works Director or designee.
  • Removal of the accumulation of “snow berm” or “snow wrinkle” created by the City snowplow operations at private driveway entrances is the responsibility of the individual property owners or residents.
  • Sidewalks and Safe Route snow and ice maintenance operations to begin at accumulations of 2 inches or more as determined by the Public Works Director or designee.
  • City Municipal Code 12.20.010 requires homeowners and businesses to remove snow from the sidewalks directly adjacent to their property within 24 hours.
  • It shall be the policy of the City to consider cost, environmental impact of salt usage, as well as safety of the motoring public when establishing application rates and location for application.
  • City plow operators make every effort to avoid damage to areas adjoining the street. City residents and businesses shall keep landscaping, all vehicles, trailers, garbage containers, recycling containers, etc. from obstructing right-of way.
  • If a City plow or truck damages a mailbox either through direct contact or due to the force of the snow rolling off the plow, the mailbox will be repaired or replaced in accordance with established guidelines with a standard-type mailbox. The City cannot replace decorative mailboxes. A standard design will be used for all mailbox replacements. A property owner who installs decorative materials on City right of way does so at his or her own risk. A standard-type mailbox will be installed as soon as practical while taking into consideration weather limitations.
  • Loading and hauling snow from City streets are the most expensive and time-consuming snow removal activities undertaken by the Public Works Department. This practice will be minimized to the maximum extent possible and will only be implemented when there are no other alternatives to keep streets open. A map depicting the method of snow removal is included with this policy. This map will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis.
  • Following a significant snowfall, there may be line of sight issues at intersections due to the snow being plowed and pushed up during the clearing process. This may make it difficult to see oncoming traffic when navigating intersections. The Public Works Department will strive to clear intersections and assure visibility; however, this may take several days (Phase IV activity).
  • City Municipal Code 12.20.030 prohibits private property snow from being placed on City right of way. 
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