Leavenworth and Upper Valley-area customers:
The PUD is working with the community to find a location for a new substation in the Leavenworth area to support growth and development in the Upper Valley. The existing double-bank substation serving this area is nearing capacity.
On November 2, 2016 PUD staff presented an update on the substation siting process at a community meeting. At this meeting, PUD staff presented the consultant’s high level analysis which included a map showing the three sites under consideration and possible transmission line routing, along with renderings of possible transmission options, and site considerations for each of the three sites. The PUD also heard input and answered questions from the community.
In November and December, the PUD’s consultant will continue to perform analysis which will include detailed costs, more detailed transmission and distribution route alternatives, and renderings of what a substation would look like on each of the identified locations.
PUD staff anticipates hosting another community meeting in late January 2017 to gather input from the community on the detailed cost analysis and renderings. Once this meeting is scheduled, PUD staff will advertise in the following ways: direct mail postcard, email distribution list, webpage, Leavenworth Echo, Leavenworth Echo online events page, and KOHO radio. The public is invited to that meeting for discussion and questions.
The PUD is always open to hearing from the public. You can share public comments on the siting of the Leavenworth substation using the public comment form on the substation webpage or by emailing [email protected] or calling 509-661-4294.
For more information and notes about the Bavarian substation project, please visit chelanpud.org/NewLeavenworthSubstation.
Teka Sellers
Customer Relations Administrator
Chelan County PUD
[email protected]
click here for a printable flyer

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