Street Maintenance Project:
The City’s contractor, Central Paving, will start work the week of Monday, September 9, 2024. The work for this project includes crack sealing and pavement repair. Working days and hours are Monday – Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
While work in the downtown area is planned to occur first, the contractor may also be working in the residential areas the week of September 9 – September 13.
For all streets included in this project, we will need a clear right-of-way between the edge of the curb to the other edge of the curb. Streets scheduled for work are highlighted in the image below. Please note that street locations, work limits, and applied repair methods are subject to change. This means no vehicles on the roadway. Vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
The contractor will be putting up “No Parking” sandwich boards in advance of work (a minimum of 48 hours advance notice) and will be providing door hangers as well. This project will likely overlap in timing with the scrub seal project.
Scrub Seal Project:
Due to a closure of the contractor’s asphalt supplier plant, the asphalt patching and pre-leveling work are now anticipated to begin on Monday, August 26. This work should be minimally disruptive to general traffic flows.
Scrub seal work is planned to start the week of Monday, September 3, and continue the week of September 9. During scrub seal work, impacts include no on-street parking for multiple days while the work is being completed.
Please note that start dates are contingent upon contractor scheduling and are subject to change.
Questions? Please reach out to Andi Zontek-Backstrum, Interim Public Works Director, at [email protected]. |