Request for Proposals
Upper Valley Parks & Recreation Service Area (PRSA)
Recreation Needs Assessment

Notice is hereby given that the Upper Valley Parks and Recreation Service Area (PRSA) and the City of Leavenworth are seeking proposals from firms to provide a recreation needs assessment. The purpose of this project is to determine the resources and prioritize the needs of the community concerning parks, recreation, and community facilities with a ten to fifteen-year outlook. The selected firm will be responsible for developing and providing services in accordance with the scope of services outlined in the proposal.

The detailed Request for Proposal may be downloaded from this webpage or by contacting City Hall at (509) 548-5275. The City will begin a review and selection process on January 16, 2020 and continue until the selection is made. Proposals will be accepted until the position is filled.

Update: Addendum #1 is available. 
Proposal submission deadline is Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 3:00 PM.

Questions or request for clarification must be received on or before December 18, 2019; responses will be provided to all prospective Proposers on or before December 24, 2019. Response can only be provided to firms on the Prospective Proposers List who have provided proper contact information. Firms who wish to be placed on the Prospective Proposer List must email Joel Walinski at [email protected] or fax (509) 548-6429 with contact information.

Joel Walinski, City Administrator
City of Leavenworth
(509) 548-5275, Ext. 124
[email protected]

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