Housing Recommendation and Code Consistency Amendments
April 5, 2023 at 7:00 PM at City Hall Council Chambers, or online via ZOOM Meeting
See the City Event Calendar: https://cityofleavenworth.com/your-city-hall/calendar/
Or login to Zoom: Meeting ID: 916 5926 4393 Passcode: 40805
Or Call in: 1-253-215-8782
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Leavenworth City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing for amendments to the Zoning Code, Subdivision Code, Definitions, and Development Standards on April 5, 2023 at 7:00 pm.
The specific code sections being amended include:
- LMC 14.12.030 – remove underground parking facilities
- LMC 14.12.050 – clarify who is responsible for implementing the code requirements and expand the options for comparable uses.
- LMC 14.12.070 – tying joint use parking to the life of the related uses.
- LMC 14.12.090 – clarifying loading berth requirements
- LMC 14.12.150 – clarify parking requirements for dwellings, motel/hotels and electric vehicles
- LMC 14.12.155 – provide preferred access from alleys and updating required parking standards.
- LMC 14.12.157 – update driveway Standards
- LMC 14.12.160 – add new Residential Parking Standards section
- LMC 14.12.160 – add new Commercial and Industrial Parking Standards section
- LMC 14.12.170 – Updates off-street parking lot design requirements
- LMC 14.12.190 – move all landscaping parking lot requirements moved to one section
- LMC 14.14.150 – reference adopted Construction Standards and outline fire apparatus standards
- LMC 14.14 Illustration 1 – removed graphic, as addressed in adopted Construction Standards
- LMC 17.14.040 Subdivision – modified flag lots consistent with zoning code standards
- LMC 17.14.100 – provide new alley access & shared access on flag lot
- LMC 21.90.030 – added new definitions and moved some definition from code
- LMC 18.36.020 – permit 6’ fences in the commercial, industrial zones and for side street yards
- LMC 18.25.030 – updated District Use Chart to include “composting collection center”
- LMC 18.52.120 – added historical requirement for no more than three bedrooms be used as B&B and added clarity that parking requirements meet the updated standards of Title 14.
- LMC 13.04.050 – Water Utility code updated to match historic past practice requiring line extensions to extend the full frontage of property.
- LMC 15.24 – Addressing Code is out dated and not used; updated to reference County process
- With various sections moved or deleted
Interested citizens are encouraged to comment and/or attend the public hearing. Public comments are preferred at the Planning Commission meetings/hearing to ensure a comprehensive discussion and consideration for the Planning Commission recommendation to the Council.
For more information, or to provide comment, please contact Lilith Vespier, AICP, PO Box 287 / 700 Highway 2 Leavenworth, WA 98826; Phone: 509-548-5275 / Fax: 509-548-6429;
Email: [email protected]