Please join the City’s Planning Commission as we update the City’s Sign Code.  Leavenworth is located in a valley with outstanding natural scenic beauty, and this resource has been enhanced by adoption of the Old World Bavarian-Alpine theme. These two assets form the basis for Leavenworth’s thriving tourist industry, upon which the City’s economic health and general welfare so heavily depends. Signs complementing the Old World Bavarian-Alpine theme form a key and indispensible part of the overall visual attractiveness of the City, and thereby contribute both to the aesthetic and economic well-being of Leavenworth.  If you would like to participate, contact City staff.
You may view a copy of the current Draft Sign Code Chapter 14.10 of the Leavenworth Municipal Code.  You may also like to view a copy of the PowerPoint presentation to the City Council and Planning Commission on Sign Samples and Examples from the July 26, 2011 Joint meeting (please note that some examples have been updated from the original presentation).

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