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Leavenworth and Upper Valley-area customers:
The PUD began working with the community in 2015 to find a location for a new substation in the Leavenworth area to support growth and development in the Upper Valley. The existing double-bank substation serving this area is nearing capacity.
At the March 6, 2017 Commission meeting, PUD staff presented initial engineering and cost comparisons for three sites under consideration. The presentation included proposed distribution and transmission line routes as well as renderings of what those lines could look like if a substation was located on any of the three sites.
On March 20, 2017, PUD Commissioners chose a preferred alternative for building the new substation on land owned by Upper Valley MEND, between Chumstick Highway and Titus Road (site 14). This alternative is supported by the community focus group, City of Leavenworth, numerous public comments, as well as the PUD’s engineering analysis. PUD staff will perform further feasibility analysis on site 14 including site location considerations (i.e. ground water, access requirements) and possible mitigation actions for visual and other impacts.
The PUD is always open to hearing from the public. You can share public comments on the Leavenworth substation using the public comment form on our webpage or by emailing [email protected] or calling 509-661-4294.
 We will continue to update our website and our outreach efforts via email and direct mail will continue as we move into the next phase of this project.


For more information on the Bavarian substation project, please visit
Thank you,
Teka Sellers
Customer Outreach Specialist II
Chelan County PUD
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