The WA Department of Veterans Affairs is working with the Veterans Assistance Funds WA Dept of Vet Afffrom the counties that have been affected by the fires to identify affected veterans and assist in any way that they can. Veterans Affairs is working directly with the County to ensure they get the assistance they need. If you know a veteran or veteran household that has not yet self-identified, this is what you can do to help:

  1. Have the veteran call the phone number below and provide their information.
  2. Get the veterans name, address, and phone number and call the number below to report that veterans information.

Just as a point of reference, if a home is destroyed, unfortunately, the owner is still responsible for the payments to the bank until insurance kicks in and they are able to rebuild. The banks can give a reprieve of up to 6 months of deferred payments, but they do not do loan forgiveness.

For more information, to report a veteran, or to see if you qualify for assistance, please call:

Lourdes E. Alvarado Ramos (Alfie), Director
WA Department of Veterans Affairs
Office:  360 725-2155
Mobile:  360 791-4339
click here for a printable flyer

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