Information Release

City of Leavenworth
700 Highway 2 / Post Office Box 287
Leavenworth, Washington  98826
Telephone:  (509) 548-5275 / Fax:  (509) 548-6429

Joel Walinski
City Administrator
509 548 5275 EXT 124

Leavenworth Adventure Park

The City of Leavenworth was notified on September 19, 2018 by the Leavenworth Adventure Park development team that they are withdrawing their application for a Conditional Use Permit for the Leavenworth Adventure Park. President, D. R. Moffett & Associates, Inc., Mr. David Moffett stated after reviewing the public and agency comments, they are formally withdrawing their application for a Conditional Use Permit for the Leavenworth Adventure Park and noted they will be resubmitting their application and supporting documents at a future date.

Full information regarding the proposed project can be found at the following link on the City of Leavenworth Web Site:  or by contacting Mr. David Moffet of Mr. John Sutherland
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