Notice of Determination of Non-significance
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Leavenworth has issued a Determination of Non-significance (DNS) per the State Environmental Policy Act Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) and the Leavenworth Municipal Code regarding the following:
The City of Leavenworth proposes to adopt a new Wastewater General Sewer Plan and Facility Plan, dated 2017. The primary purpose of the Wastewater General Sewer Plan and Facility Plan (GSP/FP) is to provide present and future City officials with an engineering analysis of the existing municipal wastewater treatment plant and sewer collection system and assist them in setting system priorities and selecting the improvements that best meet the City’s needs. The GSP/FP establishes a recommended order of improvements and prioritizes their implementation. This GSP/FP is in compliance with Washington State Department of Ecology requirements and has been prepared in accordance with WAC 173-240-050 and 060
The comment period begins on June 7, 2017 and will end on June 21, 2017. The comment period for the SEPA determination will run concurrently. An appeal of the SEPA determination must be filed by 5:00 p.m. on the last day of the comment period. Only those persons who comment during the SEPA comment period are entitled to file a SEPA appeal. The contents of the appeal must meet the requirements outlined in the Leavenworth Municipal Code.
The materials may be reviewed during normal business hours at City Hall, a copy may be obtained by contacting Nathan Pate at Leavenworth City Hall, 700 Highway 2, Leavenworth, (509) 548-5275, or reviewed at the following link:
Wastewater General Sewer Plan and Facility Plan – December 2016 (draft) – links to City of Leavenworth Google Drive
Interested citizens are encouraged to comment on the proposal.
Nathan Pate, AICP
Development Services Manager
Dated: May 31, 2017