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Wildfires are unplanned fires that burn in natural areas like forests or grasslands. Wildfires can spread quickly and devastate not only wildlife and natural areas but also communities. With the Leavenworth area being prone to wildfires, we’d like to highlight a few ways you can prepare for wildfire season:

> Sign up for Chelan County’s Emergency Alert System, Everbridge (

> Know the evacuation levels and what they mean (e.g., 1 – Stay Alert; 2 – Be Prepared; and 3 – Go Now!).

> Plan your wildfire evacuation routes (e.g., school, daycare, work, etc.) and know several ways to leave the area.

> Assemble an emergency preparedness kit or “go-bag”. Here’s a helpful resource when building your kit:

> Protect your important documents in a fireproof safe.

Be informed. Be prepared. Stay safe.

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