Press Release
City of Leavenworth
700 Highway 2
Post Office Box 287
Leavenworth, Washington  98826
Telephone:  (509) 548-5275
Fax:  (509) 548-6429
May 29, 2019
Joel Walinski
City Administrator
Resignation of Councilmember Elmer Larsen

Leavenworth City Councilmember Elmer Larsen announced his resignation from the City Council effective May 28, 2019.

Council Member Larsen was the longest standing Council Member of the current City Council. Elmer was first elected to the Leavenworth City Council in 1987 and served eleven years until 1998 when he was elected Mayor to complete the remaining two-year term of the previous Mayor who had stepped down. In 2000 he did not seek re-election because of the demands of his regular employment. Eight years later, in 2008, he again ran for City Council and was elected to the City Council and has served on the City Council since that time.  In 2011, Elmer also served as Interim Mayor from September through December 2011.

Councilmember Larsen pushed the Council to find a variety of creative solutions for the ongoing operations of the City.  He was instrumental in a number of Public Works improvements for the City which included major improvements to both the City’s water and sewer plants. He was also instrumental in a number of development code changes that allowed for additional density and more living spaces while preserving the character of the neighborhoods. Elmer represented the City on a number of various regional and local committees over his period of time in office. He represented the City previously on the Link Transit Board, Chelan County Solid Waste Committee, and currently serves on the Leavenworth Area Promotions Committee, Festhalle Oversight Committee, and the Residential Advisory Committee. Elmer’s service to the community of Leavenworth and his long standing civic engagement has been invaluable and he will be missed.

At this time, the City Council will discuss the options on filling the vacancy on the City Council at the June 11, 2019 City Council Study Session.

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