Last Updated: August 20, 2024






August 20, 2024 Update – We’re thrilled to share that the pour-in-place surfacing is being installed this week! This surfacing material is mulch made from recycled rubber tires and mixed with an adhesive to create a soft, spongy surface. Important Reminder: The black material you see now is just the base. It will be topped with several coats of a bright, Bavarian blue liquid rubber sealant. The liquid rubber sealer needs time to cure properly, we’re talking several days

🚧 Please Note: If the rubber base or coats of sealer are stepped on during the curing process, the surfacing will be ruined and have to be redone. This will delay the opening of the playground and create additional expenses for the project. PLEASE, do not enter the construction site. Be advised this area is under periodic security patrols. While we won’t be able to open the playground for the upcoming Block Party, it will be open SOON. Stay tuned for more updates!

June 21, 2024 Update – The playground equipment has shipped and it’s demo day for the former playground equipment at the former Osborn Elementary School. The site will start to look a little different in the next few days. We estimate about 6-8 weeks for construction (demolition and installation) and can’t wait for you to see the final product!

April 20, 2024 Update – At the regular City Council meeting on 3/26/2024, Council approved the equipment purchase for the proposed playground design (see gallery above for final design concept renderings).

February 20, 2024 Update – Have a say in how you play and help us select the final pieces of playground equipment! In both English and Spanish, the survey takes less than 2-minutes to complete. To participate in the survey click: We look forward to your feedback!


John Schons, CPSI
Parks Supervisor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (509) 548-5275


Survey Results: Help us Pick the New Playground Equipment at Osborn (2/2024)


In 2019, the Cascade School District board voted to surplus the Osborn Elementary property after the construction of Alpine Lakes Elementary School was completed. The City of Leavenworth purchased the Osborn Elementary School property in Spring 2020. We conducted a visioning process to guide the development of this property to serve the needs of the community. The full playground replacement is one step toward making that vision a reality.

Under the direction of the City Council, the neighborhood playground committee was formed in July 2023. With the help of industry professionals, the committee was tasked with two primary goals:

  • Identify the footprint of the playground, surfacing options, general layout of the equipment, and
  • Gather feedback from the kids who will be using this amenity.

Next steps include:

  • Gather community feedback on proposed design (complete)
  • Receive final quote from playground equipment contractor (complete)
  • Seek approval from City Council for purchase of final playground equipment selection (complete)
  • Demolition of existing playground (spring / summer 2024) (complete)
  • Installation of new equipment and surfacing (fall 2024) (almost complete)
  • Hold Grand Re-Opening (fall 2024)

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