There is something for everyone between the bouncy house, an inflatable waterslide, the BBQ, face painting, and lots of info booths.
Orchard Street between Evans & Birch will be closed off for the party and the playfield behind the former Osborn Elementary School will be open for seating. Bring a blanket or chair for yourself, your family, and your friends.
Similar to our Community Engagement Nights, we will have information booths for city-related projects and several community partners, too. Anticipated attendees include:
— Cascadia Conservation District,
— Cascade Education Foundation
— Chelan County Fire District No. 3,
— Chelan Douglas Transportation Council
— Friends of Northwest Hatcheries,
— Leavenworth Chamber of Commerce,
— Leavenworth Friends of the Library,
— Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery,
— Upper Valley Aquatics Boosters (UVAB)
— Waste Loop, and
Come for the food, stay for the fun!