Starting this weekend, the river shuttle will NO longer stop at the Icicle Creek put-in at the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery. This change is due to low flows on the Icicle. The lower river flows, higher temperatures, and water traffic from river recreators can create a hardship for fish species. Plus, at this time of year, the Wenatchee River provides a better float experience.

A heads up that parking is extremely limited at the Wenatchee River put-in. Any vehicle illegally parked or blocking shuttle routes will be ticketed and may be towed at the owner’s expense.

The free-to-ride river shuttle will continue to operate from the river-right takeout at the public boat ramp on East Leavenworth Road to the put-in at the bridge over the Wenatchee River on Icicle Road.

– – Drop your gear and crew off at the Wenatchee River put-in location.
– – Designate a driver to head back to the takeout at the Leavenworth Public Boat Ramp.
– – Your driver boards the river shuttle at the Boat Ramp and is dropped off at the put-in.

As always, please remember to recreate responsibly.

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