The fees charged at the Chelan County brush drop-off site in Leavenworth will increase beginning Oct. 11, 2019.
The new fees will be $15 a cubic yard. The new minimum fee also will be $15.
The rate increase, which was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday, is needed to recover the costs of service, including additional machinery and staffing. The new fees are a $5 increase, and the minimum fee is consistent with that charged at the Dryden Transfer Station.
The Leavenworth brush site, located at the intersection of Icicle and East Leavenworth roads, was opened in 2017 to service those residents living in the apple maggot quarantine zone of Chelan County, which includes Leavenworth, Plain, and Lake Wenatchee. Residents living in these areas are reminded that state law prohibits brush from a quarantine area to leave a quarantine area. The Dryden Transfer Station is located in a pest-free area; it does not accept yard waste from the quarantine area.
More information about the brush site and the quarantine zone is on the county’s solid waste website:
Jill FitzSimmons
PIO/Special Projects Coordinator
Chelan County Public Works
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