Bavarian (Leavenworth) Substation Community Meeting
Wednesday November 2, 6‐7pm
Leavenworth Fire Hall, 228 Chumstick Highway

Growth and new construction in Chelan County are on the increase ‐ especially in the Upper Valley. In order to provide electric service and reliability, the PUD needs a new substation in the next three to five years.
We have been working with a group of your neighbors since January of this year to identify possible substation locations. Three locations were identified and in June we met with many community members to talk about those areas. Now it’s time to provide you more detail. On Wednesday, Nov. 2 we will have more information and we want to hear from you.
Please join us. You can view information about the project at
If you can’t make it to the Nov. 2 meeting, there will be updates on the website and you can always contact us. Also, a public comment form is available on our website.
Questions? Contact [email protected]
Meaghan Connell on behalf of Teka Sellers
Customer Relations Administrator
Chelan County PUD [email protected]
Meeting Agenda

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