Last Updated: February 21, 2023


Sidewalk Improvements




Design: October 2022 – March 2023
Construction: May 2023 – August 2023
Completed: September 2023


April 4, 2023 Update — If you live in the project area, please expect to receive a letter in the mail from City staff shortly. Temporary construction easements are being requested to allow the City’s contractor to regrade a portion of each existing driveway so that they will tie in to the new sidewalk, to reconnect water services, to relocate sanitary sewer service cleanouts, and to limb trees as necessary for sight distance.


TIB Grant Awarded

January 2022


October 2022 – March 2023

Public Outreach

November 2022 - Construction Completion

Construction (Approximate)

May 2023 – August 2023

Andi Zontek-Backstrum, PE
CIP Manager/Deputy Public Works Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (509) 548-5275, Ext. 134


A Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant was received in January 2022 to construct sidewalks on the west side of Ski Hill Drive from US Highway 2 to Evans Street. Ski Hill Drive is classified as a Rural Major Collector, meaning that it is a critical road in our transportation network that gathers traffic from our local roads and funnels them to US Highway 2. As such, Ski Hill Drive sees a lot of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Constructing sidewalks will provide a safer location for pedestrians to walk and will aid in expanding our Safe Routes to School sidewalk network for students to use to access our local schools.

Prior to installing sidewalk, we will first replace each water service pipe that will run underneath the location of the proposed sidewalk. Coupling utility improvements with roadway and sidewalk improvements is driven by the Public Works Department’s objective of shifting from a reactive to proactive culture. The purpose is to integrate all capital improvement projects within the City to be forward thinking and address project areas holistically.

Frequently Asked Questions:


What is the purpose of this project?
The goal is to enhance pedestrian safety along the Ski Hill Drive corridor by providing ADA-compliant sidewalks and crosswalks.


Where is this project located?
Sidewalks will be constructed on the west side of Ski Hill Drive from US Highway 2 to Evans Street


I live in the project area. How will this impact me?
Access will be maintained to all driveways to the fullest extent possible. There will be periods where residents will not be able to park in their driveways due to construction activities. Residents will be provided updates during construction.


I don’t live in the project area but I drive, bike, or walk on Ski Hill Drive. How will construction of this project impact me?
Ski Hill Drive will remain open throughout construction. Please expect shoulder closures on the west side of the roadway. There may be times that necessitate closing one driving lane, which may cause very short delays for vehicles. The existing bike lane will remain open.


How will this project impact parking along Ski Hill Drive?
All existing parking stalls on Ski Hill Drive between US Highway 2 and Evans Street will be removed and replaced with a southbound bike lane as part of this project.


Why is the parking on Ski Hill Drive (between US Highway 2 and Evans Street) being removed?
The City’s design consultant completed a sight distance analysis that showed in order to accommodate the new pedestrian curb ramps that will be constructed as part of this project, the number of parking spot on Ski Hill Drive between Highway 2 and Evans Street must be decreased from approximately 41 existing spaces to 8 parking spaces after construction. The benefit of 8 parking spaces was then compared to the benefits of a southbound bike lane. After considering the impact to public safety, the City standards for an Urban Collector roadway, and the goals of the City’s adopted Complete Streets policy, it was determined that constructing a bike lane and eliminating the 8 remaining parking stalls provided the most benefit to the community. It is also noteworthy that these bike lanes will tie into the bike lanes on US Highway 2 that the Washington State Department of Transportation will be reconfiguring this spring.


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