A Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant was received in January 2022 to construct sidewalks on the west side of Ski Hill Drive from US Highway 2 to Evans Street. Ski Hill Drive is classified as a Rural Major Collector, meaning that it is a critical road in our transportation network that gathers traffic from our local roads and funnels them to US Highway 2. As such, Ski Hill Drive sees a lot of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Constructing sidewalks will provide a safer location for pedestrians to walk and will aid in expanding our Safe Routes to School sidewalk network for students to use to access our local schools.
Prior to installing sidewalk, we will first replace each water service pipe that will run underneath the location of the proposed sidewalk. Coupling utility improvements with roadway and sidewalk improvements is driven by the Public Works Department’s objective of shifting from a reactive to proactive culture. The purpose is to integrate all capital improvement projects within the City to be forward thinking and address project areas holistically.