Planning Commission Hearing

The Planning Commission will be meeting July 6, 2022 at 7pm at City Hall 700 Highway 2, Leavenworth, WA and via Zoom to have two public hearings.

Meeting hosted at City Hall with option to join via zoom by:
(1) connecting via the Zoom app: Meeting ID: 999 2949 1100 Passcode: 225225
(2) using the web link:
(3) calling: 1-253-215-8782. Alternative call-in phone numbers:

The first hearing is to take public testimony on consolidation of the existing standards (including residential building height or 30’ to mid-point and 35’ to ridge) into one new code chapter 18.30 with modifications to various codes to provide clarity and address community needs. This item will amend LMC Chapters 18.20 Residential Low Density 6,000 District (RL6), 18.21 Residential 8 District (R-8), 18.22 Multifamily Residential District, 18.28 General Commercial District (GC), 18.32 Central Commercial District (CC), 18.44 Tourist Commercial (TC), 18.45 Light Industrial, 18.46 Recreation District (RD), 18.47 Recreation-Public District (RP), 18.24 Supplementary Residential Districts Regulations, Chapter 18.12 Official Zoning Map, 18.04 General Provisions, 18.36 Supplementary Regulations and Section 21.90.030 Definitions.

The second hearing is to take public testimony on a new Bavarian Theme code chapter 14.08.110 Appendix: Portfolio Options for Administrative Approval.

The City of Leavenworth has reviewed both amendments and determined they are exempt from SEPA, environmental review, per WAC 197-11-800(19) Procedural Actions. Interested citizens are encouraged to comment and/or attend the public hearing.

Public comments are preferred at the Planning Commission meetings/hearing to ensure a comprehensive discussion and consideration for the Planning Commission recommendation to the Council.


Jul 06 2022


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Hosted at City Hall in Council Chambers and on Zoom
700 US-2 Leavenworth WA US
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