Planning Commission Hearing

Code Amendment – HEARING

 & Remanded Items Returned

Leavenworth City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on a new Leavenworth Municipal Code Chapter 18.42 Affordable Low-Income Housing Incentives, to provide incentives for the creation of affordable low-income housing.

At this same meeting, remanded items for the following will be considered and sent back to the City Council:

  1. Leavenworth Comprehensive Plan
    • Creation of a new Residential Low Density 8,000 designation (removing Residential Low Density 12,000 and 10,000).
  2. Zoning Lot Size Requirements
    • Combining land use designations LMC 18.21 Residential Low Density 12,000 and LMC 18.23 Residential Low Density 10,000 into a new LMC 18.18 Residential Low Density 8,000 zoning which would change the minimum lot sizes from 12,000 and 10,000 square feet to 8,000 (respectively).
  3. Duplex Lot Size Requirements
    • Change the minimum lot size requirement for a duplex from 12,000 square feet to the corresponding zoning district, amending LMC Sections 18.20.060, 18.21.060, 18.23.060, 18. 36.045.
    • Removing 18.52.130, conditional use permit – two-family dwelling units (duplexes).

If you do not have computer access, please contact City Hall for special accommodations.  For more information contact Lilith Vespier, AICP, PO Box 287 / 700 Highway 2 Leavenworth, WA 98826; Phone:  509-548-5275 / Fax:  509-548-6429; Email:  [email protected]

Hearing documents will be attached to this meeting event no later than one week prior to the meeting.

For more info on housing, check out the new Housing section on our website:


Mar 02 2022


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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