Hearing Examiner
The Hearing Examiner for the City of Leavenworth will hold a Public Hearing to consider and make decision on the following Applications:
CUP2022-013: On July 15, 2022 a Conditional Use Permit application was submitted by Alison Miller (owner) and determined complete on August 2, 2022. The applicant is requesting to utilize an existing, one-bedroom Accessory Dwelling unit as a Bed & Breakfast (B&B), pursuant to LMC 18.52.120. The project is located at 337 Prospect Street, within the Residential Multi-Family zoning district.
SDP2022-027: Request for a Shoreline Substantial Development permit and Floodplain Permit, submitted by the City of Leavenworth, to abandon existing utilities (sewer line, water and power) and relocate them to service the Waterfront Park restroom facility. The project is located at NNA Main Street, within the Recreational Public and Central Commercial Districts; Assessor’s parcel numbers 241712240100, 241712662524, 241712662522, and City of Leavenworth right-of-way. From US Highway 2, turn south (to the river) onto 9th Street; in 0.1 miles, at the dead-end, take a left onto Main Street downhill to the parking lot of Waterfront Park.
The hearing will be held online, via Zoom Meeting. Click the location link, or use the Zoom Meeting App and enter Meeting ID: 914 5732 9412, Passcode: 222444
The public is encouraged to attend via zoom and to submit written comments prior to the hearing. Questions may be directed to Lilith Vespier, phone 509-548-5275, or email [email protected].