Request for Qualifications – Water Transmission Main Replacement – Well Site To Mill St.
The City of Leavenworth (City) is soliciting qualifications from consulting firms (Consultants) to provide professional services for the bid-ready design of the Icicle Road water transmission main from the City’s well site to Mill Street.
Submission Procedure
Submissions shall be sent electronically to Andrea Fischer, City Clerk, at [email protected] by 2:00:00 PM on Monday, June 26, 2023. Late or incorrectly submitted submissions will be automatically disqualified from consideration. Any proposal received after the specified date and time will automatically be rejected and will not receive any further consideration by the City.
Consultant Selection Schedule
The solicitation, receipt, and evaluation of submittals and the selection of the Consultant are anticipated to conform to the following schedule. Please note that these dates are subject to change and are only provided for preliminary purposes.
- Qualifications Review………………………………. June 30, 2023
- Consultant Interviews……………………………… July 14, 2023
- Consultant Selected………………………………… July 21, 2023
- City Council Approval……………………………… August 8, 2023
- Consultant Notice to Proceed Issued….. August 18, 2023
RFQ Document