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Request for Proposals – Food Waste Reduction & Composting Pilot Program (RFP 01-2023)/Education & Outreach (RFP 02-2023)

The City of Leavenworth is soliciting proposals from qualified firms for two parts of a two-year waste reduction and composting pilot program, funded by a USDA grant. One RFP is for food waste collection, hauling and composting (RFP 01-2023). The other RFP is for education and outreach (RFP 02-2023).  

Proposal Submission Procedure

Proposals must be submitted in sealed envelopes marked “Leavenworth RFP 01-2023 and/or Leavenworth RFP 02-2023” and addressed to:

Leavenworth City Hall
Attn: City Clerk
700 US Hwy. 2, PO Box 287
Leavenworth, WA 98826
and be received no later than 4:00 PM, August 2, 2023.

Late or incorrectly submitted submissions will be automatically disqualified from consideration. Any proposal received after the specified date and time will automatically be rejected and will not receive any further consideration by the City.

Questions regarding this RFP should be directed to:

Matthew “Selby”, City Administrator
[email protected]

Sue Cragun, Executive Assistant
[email protected]

RFP 01-2023 Food Waste Reduction Pilot Program Compost Collection & Hauling – finalDownload

RFP 02-2023 Food Waste Reduction Pilot Program E&O finalDownload

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